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The Cure for Smart People


Oftentimes smart people tend to overthink things instead of just keeping it simple. They think of all the things that could possibly get in the way but just imagine if they reversed that to all the things that could go right then success would surely be more probable... 

But because they're so "smart" they have to keep thinking on them and waiting on this and that to be perfect when nothing is ever going to be perfect. You'll never fully know a thing until you just take action! 

 And you can take action -whether you're smart or not so smart- by going to 

๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘ˆ 

I got some really cool bonuses for anyone that's looking to change their life so always remember the words of Elon Musk:
"when something is important enough you'll do it even if the odds don't seem to be in your favor..."
Peace and light, 
Everything's going to be alright๐Ÿ˜Š

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